About Us

Patrick d. Sanford, CPA

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work with a previous client who came in under the worst of circumstances. He had neglected his business, including payroll and sales taxes for several years due to personal reasons. He came in asking for my help. It was my great privilege to work with him, from the point of him literally threatening to burn his business down, to working out a plan to get him caught up and moving on toward a healthy and productive business.

I also really enjoyed the time where I had a simple innovative solution to help a client reduce his tax bill by about $5,000. All it took was knowing the facts, realizing there was an alternative, and applying it.

Then there was the time where I was teaching my then five-year old son about some charts I created. I explained to him how the chart shows how much money the business had received each month over the course of two years, and how one year was consistently higher than the other.

Whether it is a client at the brink of despair, a taxpayer needing a simple but effective solution, or a child who knows nothing at all about accounting, I love my job. I love fitting the pieces of the puzzle known as debits and credits together, then showing others what it all means. I enjoy teaching others how to read financial statements, what insights are hiding beneath the numbers, and what clients can do to help reach their goals.

All of these things have become a reality since I’ve worked in small public accounting firms. I received my CPA license in 2017, but have been working in public accounting since 2013. If you want to read about the rest of my work experience, associations, and education, check out my LinkedIn.

Allow me to be your accountant, your trusted advisor, and maybe you and I will have a story that’s worth telling.



Sometimes we have to make difficult choices in our lives. When we do, we often rely on our values. At Probity, our values include our family, and you will see our employees spending time with their family often, because it's important.

When you become a client of Probity Accounting, you become part of the family. It's not just about the work that we are doing for you, but its about how we can help you spend more time with your family.



A job done right is a job done well. Here at Probity, the work done will be done with the highest regard to your interests, the public interest, maintaining the principles of integrity, objectivity, and due care.


In the old days, you would have your accountant do all your work for you, whether that was bookkeeping or taxes, and he or she would say, "Don't worry. I'll bill you when I'm done." By the way, they bill hundreds per hour.

That's not how we do it. At the beginning, we want to come to an agreement at the scope of the work, find out what is the value of the work being done, agree to the price, and set it out in writing. You know how much it is going to cost, and we know you are going to be happy with the work. It's a win-win.